What is safeguarding?
Young people are likely to thrive in a disciplined, pleasant and caring environment in which they feel comfortable, safe and secure. Through the contribution of all staff, Harton Academy aims to provide such an environment.
Safeguarding can be defined as ‘protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health and development; ensuring that children have safe and effective care, and taking action to ensure that all children have the best outcomes’.
It should be noted that ‘children’ refers to everyone under the age of 18.
Every member of staff at Harton Academy has received safeguarding training. There are also some key members of staff who have specific responsibility for safeguarding, and it is to these staff whom safeguarding issues should be reported in the first instance.
School staff also work very closely with staff from other neighbouring organisations such as the Local Authority Safeguarding Children Board, the Police and Social Services.
Safeguarding policy
Click here to view or download a printable PDF version of our Safeguarding Policy
Safer Recruitment at Harton
Click here to access information on safer recruitment and our Recruitment and Selection Policy
Safeguarding key staff
Mr G Varley Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs H Astrop Head of Year 7 & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr L Smart Head of Year 9 & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Pike Student Safeguarding Support Manager
Safeguarding team
Mr J Skurr Headteacher
Mr G Varley Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr R Burroughs Deputy Headteacher and Director of 6th Form
Mrs H Astrop Head of Year 7 & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr W Green Head of Year 8
Mr L Smart Head of Year 9 & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr D Gibson Head of Year 10
Mrs G Mulligan Head of Year 11
Mr D Royal Pastoral Lead
Mrs K Coulter Head of Year 12
Mrs K Brown Head of Year 13
Mrs R Wall Assistant Headteacher & SENCo
Mrs J Pike Student Safeguarding Support Manager
South Tyneside Safeguarding information
ISIT team | Children’s care