Computer Science

OCR A Level Computer Science

Our A Level Computer Science qualification helps students understand the core academic principles of computer science. Classroom learning is transferred into creating real-world systems through the creation of an independent programming project. Our A Level will develop the student’s technical understanding and their ability to analyse and solve problems using computational thinking.

Course Video

What will I study?

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3
Structure and Function of Processor Thinking Abstractly Personal Programming Project
Types of Processor Thinking ahead
Input, Output and storage Thinking Procedurally
System Software and Operating Systems Thinking Logically
Applications Generation Thinking Concurrently
Software Development Programming Techniques
Types of Programming Language Software Development
Compression, Encryption and Hashing Computational Methods
Databases Algorithms
Web Technologies
Data Types
Boolean Algebra
Computing related legislation
Moral and Ethical Issues


How I will be assessed?

The course includes practical and written assessments. A range of assessment methods will be used throughout the course by your teacher to provide you with constant feedback and support.

Component 1 – Computer Systems

The internal workings of the (CPU), data exchange, software development, data types and legal and ethical issues.

Written exam: 2 hours and 30 minutes

40% Weighting of A Level

Component 2 – Algorithms and Programming

Using computational thinking to solve problems.

Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

40% Weighting of A Level

Component 3 – Programming project

Students will be expected to analyse a problem, and design, develop and test, and evaluate and document a program. The program must be to solve it written in a suitable programming language.

Non-exam assessment

20% Weighting of A Level

Where does the course lead?

A student who studies computing can go onto a career in medicine, business, Law, politics or any type of Science. The emphasis on this course is placed on computational thinking; this is the type of reasoning used by both humans and machines.

For examination board link, click here.

Key Staff

Mr J Currer :

Name: Mr J Currer

Role: Teacher


Mr L Henderson :

Name: Mr L Henderson

Role: Teacher


Mrs R Oxberry :
Subject Leader

Name: Mrs R Oxberry

Role: Subject Leader

