2024 Harton 6th Form Ofsted summary

Sixth-form provision – Outstanding
- The sixth-form provision is outstanding.
- The school has an extremely successful sixth-form provision.
- Sixth-form students are exceptionally proud to attend here.
- Students in the sixth form thrive.
- Their lessons are consistently well delivered.
- They perform highly in external examinations.
- In the sixth form, students with SEND are fully immersed in school life.
- The opportunities available for sixth-form students to develop into well-rounded young adults are exemplary.
- The enrichment offer in the sixth form is equally as impressive as in the main school.
- Every sixth-form student accesses extra courses, such as British Sign Language qualifications and first-aid training.
- Leaders have made important changes to the personal, social, health and economic education curriculum, following the previous inspection. This work is now fully embedded.
Personal development – Outstanding
- The quality of the school’s personal development offer is exceptional.
- The wider provision to develop pupils’ character and prepare them for life in modern Britain is exemplary.
- Leaders have acted swiftly and decisively to address the area of improvement identified at the previous inspection.
- The personal, social, health and economic education curriculum is exceptionally well sequenced from Years 7 to 13.
- Pupils are articulate and confident about what they have learned in these sessions.
- The school has recently widened the programme of events to broaden pupils’ cultural capital.
- The school currently offers an extraordinary range of activities and extra-curricular clubs for pupils.
- In physical education, for example, pupils have access to an in-house climbing wall, a swimming pool and two gymnasiums.
- In music, all pupils have access to peripatetic lessons.
- A wide range of performances are made available to the community. Local, national and international trips are available.
- The proportion of pupils taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is very high.
- Pupils are encouraged to volunteer in the school and in the community.
- The progress that the school has made in this wider offer, since the time of the previous inspection, is impressive.
- The support for pupils at points of transition, including when joining the school in Year 7, and when considering next steps in Years 11 and 13, is highly valued by pupils and parents.
- The enrichment offer in the sixth form is equally as impressive as in the main school.
- Leaders have made important changes to the personal, social, health and economic education curriculum, following the previous inspection. This work is now fully embedded.