Careers Guidance Appointments
One to One Careers Advice, Information and Guidance Appointments
Miss K Morris undertakes personal guidance interviews with all students in year 11 and 13 and works with staff to develop their knowledge and understanding of local labour market information and opportunities.
She offers learners additional opportunities from years 7-13 to have a personal careers guidance interview. Parents’ are able to speak with the Careers Adviser at Parents’ evenings and can request to be present at their child’s careers guidance appointment. Students can request this either by asking their tutor or a teacher, or by making a booking with your tutor, Miss Morris in U20 or Mrs Cassar in U18. Most careers appointments last about 30 minutes and all students who have a meeting with Miss Morris will receive an action plan summarising their plans and identifying their next steps.
Learners with Additional Needs
Learners with additional needs will receive additional support from South Tyneside Council. A Local Authority adviser from the Careers Guidance Team is attached to the school and will be invited to annual reviews when learners requiring an Education Health Care plan (EHCP) reach Year 11. Students who have an EHCP or are in Local Authority Care will also receive additional Careers Guidance appointments through Connexions.
Support for learners who have left school
Learners who leave Harton Academy after Year 11, 12 or 13 have continued support from South Tyneside Council Careers Guidance Team. Professional careers advisers from the team are available to see learners from schools in South Tyneside and the local area at South Tyneside Connexions, Ocean Rd, South Shields NE33 2DW, UK They can be contacted on 0191 4247400.
The National Careers Service
This is a free service for both young people and adults. Young people aged 13 and over can use the service to find information about jobs and courses, as well as requesting 1:1 support from a qualified Adviser by ringing the helpline, emailing, texting or requesting a webchat. Call 0800 100 900 or log on to the National Careers Service