Home Learning

It is more important than ever at this time that students in all year groups complete all home/remote learning set by their teachers.

At Harton our learners now have one central point to go to find the work set or the instructions they need to follow. The platform we use is our VLE, provided by Frog Education. Instruction videos showing students how to access the VLE (and their school emails) outside of school and how to use it effectively can be found below this information box.

Staff have been instructed to provide activities for all timetabled lessons. Some may take more than an hour and some less. As such, work may not cover a combined duration of 5 hours which is the normal teaching day. We are aware that there is significant variation, from one school to another, in the use of ‘live’ lessons. In some cases all lessons are ‘live’ and in others the use of ‘live’ lessons has been entirely banned as a result of safeguarding concerns. We have chosen to establish a balance by using a combination of ‘live’ lessons and shared resources but this is often dictated by the circumstances of the staff members and their own ICT provision.

If there are any issues with the content of home learning or help is needed for a specific subject (including how to submit work), please contact individual teachers by email (a full list of staff email addresses can be found at the bottom of this page).

If a teachers name is not known you can look up the staff code from student timetables. Alternatively please contact the Subject Leader of the subject the issue is with and they will direct you accordingly.

If you have any further queries please email headteacher@hartonacademy.co.uk with Home learning in the subject box.

Video showing how to access emails and the VLE from home

Video showing assignments and uploading work on the VLE

Video showing Microsoft Teams, Forms and Stream

Video on using Office 365


Parent Accounts

We have also created Parent accounts for all contacts listed for students in our school system. As you appear on our list, your user details for the Frog Parent dashboard have been emailed to you.

Instructions on how to access your account, and how to use it to monitor the home learning for your child/children can be found below. Please read this carefully.  We think this could be an incredibly useful tool and should make it much easier for you to keep track of the work your child is being asked to complete at home.

Home Learning Student Instructions

2021 – 2022 Home Learning – Parent Guidance

Home Learning Student Instructions2

2021 – 2022 Home Learning – Student Guidance

Staff Email Addresses

Title Surname Department  Staff Code Staff email
Miss Brunniche Art and Design – Subject leader AMB ABrunniche@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Jones Art and Design SJ1 SJones@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Richardson Art and Design MLR MRichardson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Tinmouth Art and Design FCT FTinmouth@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr McGinn Business Studies – Subject leader PTM PMcGinn@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Murphy Business Studies JIM JMurphy@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Astrop English HGB HAstrop@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Dawson English- Subject leader DD1 DDawson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Dawson English 2DJ JDawson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Devlin English 2KD KDevlin@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Greenan English CJG CGreenan@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Hudson English DH1 Dhudson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Hutchinson English FSH FWilkinson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss McCarty English KAM KMcCarty@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Quinn English GMQ GQuinn@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Reavley English ARR AReavley@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Richardson English AR1 ARichardson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Stebbing English PPS PStebbing@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Wolfendale English LJW LWolfendale@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Gray Equal Opps JAG JGray@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Quinn Equal Opps CQ1 CQuinn@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Wall Equal Opps – SENCO RVW RWall@hartonacademy.co.uk
Ms Brennan Geography AB2 ABrennan1@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Brown Geography KB1 KBrown@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Coulter Geography KC1 KCoulter@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Moad Geography – Subject leader GTM GMoad@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Taylor Geography IAT ITaylor@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Aslam History AA1 AAslam@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Chesterton History – Subject leader LC1 LChesterton@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Dixon History KVD KDixon@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Ellison History MDE MEllison@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr McAdam History AAM AMcAdam@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Royal History DR1 DRoyal@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Currer ICT JC1 JCurrer@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Harrison ICT IJH IHarrison@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Henderson ICT LH2 LHendserson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Oxberry ICT – Subject leader RLM RMason@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Symons ICT NJS NSymons@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Talbot ICT CT1 CTalbot@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Watson ICT LW1 LWatson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Anderson Mathematics JCA JAnderson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Atchison Mathematics LA1 LAtchison1@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Barnes Mathematics LW2 LBarnes@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Bunker Mathematics JB3 JBunker@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Close Mathematics MPC MClose@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Douthwaite Mathematics HD1 HDouthwaite@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Gates Mathematics RG2 RGates@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Gordon Mathematics AJG AGordon@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Grainger Mathematics – Subject leader SJG SGrainger@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Henderson Mathematics NJH NHenderson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Jackson Mathematics IDJ IJackson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Jarvis Mathematics CJ1 CJarvis@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Simpson Mathematics 2SI ISimpson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Smith Mathematics RS1 RSmith@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Stevenson Mathematics MJS MStevenson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Storey Mathematics MRS MStorey@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Williams Mathematics AJW AWilliams1@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Owens Maths PWO POwens@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Ball MFL JB1 JBall@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Ellison MFL – Subject leader NME NEllison@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Hailes MFL EVH EHailes1@hartonacademy.co.uk
Ms McConville MFL VM1 VMcConville@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Northen MFL SN1 SNorthen@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Amos MFL DRA DAmos@hartonacademy.co.uk
Lady Gibson MFL & English LMG LGibson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Dunn Music GMD GDunn@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Dunston Music – Subject leader DAD DDunston@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Green Music CG1 CGreen@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Otun Music KFE KOtun@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Todd Music FRT FTodd@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Usher Music AJU AUsher2@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Burden PE SDB SBurden@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Gibson PE DG1 DGibson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Green PE WJG WGreen@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Mackay PE 2MJ JMackay@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Morris PE TGM TMorris@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Mulligan PE GLM GMulligan@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Murphy PE – Subject leader LMM LMurphy@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Smart PE LMS LSmart@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Burroughs PE RTB RBurroughs@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Cunningham Science 2LC LCunningham1@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Gibson Science RGG RGibson@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Green Science RG1 RGreen@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Holder Science ASH AHolder@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Jessup Science FGJ FJessup@hartonacademy.co.uk
Miss Laidler Science SJL SLaidler@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Law Science JAL JLaw@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mr Leadbetter Science BML BLeadbetter@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Longstaff Science KLF KLongstaff@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Pearson Science HMP HPearson@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Percy Science DGP DPercy@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Miss Robison Science LR1 LRobison@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Miss Walker Science – Subject leader KAW KWalker@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Wallace Science SCW SWallace@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Peel Science JGP JPeel@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Varley Science GV1 GVarley@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Barraclough Social and Cultural JNB JBarraclough@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Cassar Social and Cultural SLC SCassar@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Holyome Social and Cultural BJH BHolyome@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs McGuigan Social and Cultural CLM CMcGuigan@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Reid Social and Cultural SRR SReid@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Currey Social Sciences KAC KCurrey@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Derbyshire Social Sciences – Subject leader VAD VDerbyshire@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mrs Gardiner-Earl Social Sciences REG RGardiner-earl@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Ms Gray Social Sciences KG2 KGray@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Rai Social Sciences PR1 PRai@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Miss Robson Social Sciences SER SRobson@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Ms Gill Technology DEG DGill@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Ms Johansen Technology KAJ KJohansen@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Reis Technology TRP TReis@hartonacademy.co.uk 
Mr Taylor Technology PRT PTaylor@hartonacademy.co.uk
Mrs Venables Technology – Subject leader LV1 LVenables@hartonacademy.co.uk 

Thank you in anticipation of your support in this. In the current circumstances, home learning has an ever-increasing importance in school life. I am confident that together school staff and parents can ensure a provision which will allow time spent away from school to be used productively.
