Social and Cultural Studies
Social and Cultural Studies in Harton Academy is delivered through one dynamic and forward looking department. The department teaches three key areas of the curriculum Religious Education, Citizenship and PSHE. Staff encourage pupils to developed informed opinions and to understand and respect the diverse nature of the society we live in.
The aims of the department are to offer opportunities for pupils to:
- learn, understand and respect different religions, beliefs, values and traditions (including ethical life stances), and understand their influence on individuals, societies, communities and cultures;
- explore issues within, across, between, and outside of faiths and consider questions of meaning and purpose in life;
- learn about religious and ethical teaching, enabling them to make reasoned and informed judgements on religious and moral issues;
- develop their sense of identity and belonging, preparing them for adult life as active and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society;
- be confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives;
- develop skills of enquiry and response in analysis, expression, reflection, evaluation and application, through the use of distinctive language, listening and empathy;
- become successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
The curriculum gives pupils opportunities to explore a range of issues and to gain insight into the diverse nature of the society in which they live.
Key Stage 3
The course covers:
In Year 7
- Emotional Wellbeing
- A bridging unit based on Christianity linking what pupils do in RE in their primary schools and the work they do here at Harton (this is a requirement of the locally agreed syllabus)
- Safety Including road safety and bullying (PSHE)
- Islam (RE)
- Sex and relationships education (PSHE)
- The environment and animal rights (Citizenship and RE)
- Local democracy (Citizenship)
- Buddhism (RE)
- The Real Game a careers and finance programme linked to PSHE
Year 8
- Mental Wellbeing
- Why do some believe In God (RE)
- Science v Religion (RE)
- Health related issues including, healthy living, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and relationships including sex education (PSHE)
- Moral Decisions (RE)
- Politics (Citizenship)
- Justice (RE)
- Human Rights (Citizenship)
- Finance (Citizenship)
Year 9
- Relationships and Sex Education (PSHE)
- Crime and Punishment (Citizenship)
- Citizenship and British Values (Citizenship)
- Wealth and Poverty (RE)
- The Individual and Family Wellbeing (PSHE)
- Why do People Suffer (RE)
- Religion and the Media (RE)
- Finance (PSHE)
- Wealth and Poverty (RE)
Key Stage 4
All students will have essential lessons in RSHE which cover topics from relationships, health and sex education In line with government statutory guidance.
Those who don’t choose Religious Education as a full GCSE will do essential lessons in key concepts In Religious education including philosophy and ethics.
The department teaches the following examination course.
Religious Education
- EDEXCEL Religion and Ethics (Christianity)
- EDEXCEL Religion Peace and Conflict (Islam)
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- AQA Citizenship
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