Application for home to school/college transport assistance

Dear Parent/Carer

If you would like your child to receive home to school/college transport assistance for 2023-24 academic year, please visit  for all available options.

To promote and develop independence, taxi travel is only considered in cases where all alternative options are thought to be unsuitable.

We encourage parents and carers to be responsible and to only make an application where transport assistance is necessary due to the needs of the child/young person.
There are alternative options to taxi transport available.

  • Personal transport budget to assist towards fuel costs
  • Independent travel training
  • Free bus passes where appropriate.

In line with our policy, a child cannot be deemed eligible based upon parental preference for a school/college which is not the closest to the home address (where a closer school can meet the needs of the child).

Post 16 applications

The student must have had an Education, Health and Care Plan outlining their difficulties. A student with medical conditions affecting travel will also be considered for assistance, medical advice must be provided on application in these instances.
There must be more than 3 miles distance between student’s home address to the college placement.

Please include as much information as possible on all application forms.

We will consider your application in line with the Council Transport Policy and will inform applicants as soon as possible regarding the authority’s decision.

Late applications may not be guaranteed transport for the start of the next term. Transport provision will not be arranged if you do not complete an application form.

If you require any assistance in completing the application form, please contact the Transport Team, contact details are below.

Kind Regards

Transport Team
South Tyneside Council
Level 1, Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 WRL
0191 427 2680


‘All About Me’ sheet

Young Healthwatch South Tyneside, Stronger Together and Your Voice Counts have been working with South Tyneside Council and a group of parents and carers of children with SEND to design an ‘All About Me’ sheet. Please use this to pass on any information you feel it is important for transport staff to know about your child. Please give this to the passenger assistant or e-mail it to the transport provider.

Please be aware that, due to GDPR, the only information transport staff will have about your child will be what you tell them on this form.

All About Me sheet (Microsoft Word version)
In case any parent or carer would like to type information into the all about me sheet.

All About Me sheet (PDF version)
