Remote access to school systems

Remote access to school systems for Harton Academy Students

The main way of accessing student data and any work set by teachers over the current school closure is via the school’s VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) or ‘Frog’ system as it’s known.

VLE usernames and passwords

Students all have a school username and password that they use when logging onto school computers and laptops.

Students can get onto the system via the school website at, or by searching for Harton Academy on Google, they should choose the large ‘Harton Academy’ block and then click the ‘Frog Login’ button, after which they will need to type in the same user account name and password.

Finding work set by teachers

They can check their emails and find any assignments that have been set by clicking on their initials at the top right of the page, or by clicking on the ‘Homework’ button below the school photo on the ‘home’ page of Frog. Some staff may have sent simple instructions to follow, others may send documents or PowerPoints for them to download to their own computer and then open and view (or complete) tasks. If they wish to look at their stored documents in school they can click on ‘my network drives’ on the top menu and then double click on their ‘Documents’ folder and they can click on department sites to see what is available in each of their subjects.

Microsoft Office software

If you do not have Microsoft Office software (eg Word or PowerPoint) at home we have given all students access to MS Office 365 which is a ‘cloud based’ version on the internet. To use this they can simply search for ‘Office 365 login’ on a web browser like Google Chrome, then sign in to their account using their username their same school password again.

If you do not have a computer at home

If you do not have a computer at home that can be used, you can still login to the VLE via the school website, using an iPad, or other tablet, and even Smart Phones.

Apps for Smartphone

Apps for Smartphone – To make life easier many students are also using the ‘MyFrog’ App (downloadable from most App Stores, to suit your device). This can be downloaded and set up by entering the following address for the Frog Server when asked:

There are instructions on the Frog platform, for most of these tasks, under ‘guides to using Frog’ on the top menu, and we will be adding to them as students and parents tell us about anything that they find difficult.

Thank you

Ian J Harrison
(Director of ICT)
