Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024
Pupil premium strategy statement
This statement details our school’s use of Pupil Premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our Pupil Premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.
School overview
Detail | Data |
Number of pupils in school | 1367 |
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils | 36.2% (496 pupils) |
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended) |
2023 – 2026 |
Date this statement was published | Autumn term 2023 |
Date on which it will be reviewed | Summer term 2024 |
Statement authorised by | David Amos, Acting Head Teacher |
Pupil Premium lead | Rachael Green, Assistant Head Teacher |
Governor / Trustee lead | Scott Duffy |
Funding overview
Detail | Amount |
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year | £469,890 |
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year | £140,048 |
Pupil premium (and recovery premium*) funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) *Recovery premium received in academic year 2021 to 2022 can be carried forward to academic year 2022 to 2023. Recovery premium received in academic year 2022 to 2023 cannot be carried forward to 2023 to 2024. |
0 |
Total budget for this academic year If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year |
£609,938 |
Part A: Pupil Premium Strategy Plan
Statement of intent
Pupil Premium funding was introduced in 2011 as a Government initiative to help support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Students identified as being ‘disadvantaged’ often come from low-income families and research has shown that they are prone to underachievement when compared to their non-disadvantaged classmates. Harton Academy students eligible for Pupil Premium funding generally face difficulties such as poor language and communication skills and often have poor attendance and punctuality. They often find it difficult to find appropriate study spaces to consolidate their learning and, as a result, are limited in terms of independence and resilience. The Pupil Premium funding is allocated to local authorities and schools for students on roll who:
Schools have the freedom to spend the Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to the underlying school’s budget, in a way which they think will best support the raising of attainment of eligible students and closing the gap to their non-disadvantaged peers. The school uses this funding to support systems and processes which:
We recognise that, for a variety of reasons, students may be socially disadvantaged particularly given the circumstances of the past few years. As such, we try to provide initiatives, as outlined below, which are available to all students whilst maintaining a specific focus on those eligible for Pupil Premium funding. At Harton, we primarily focus on quality first teaching for all students, which gives students from all backgrounds the best possible educational experience. However, we understand that some students need additional support to fulfil their potential. We make use of the Pupil Premium funding to maintain a high standard of teaching and learning and improve intervention strategies for those students who need additional support. We have reviewed the strategies implemented in previous years, investigated the barriers to learning for disadvantaged students and used evidence from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to provide solid research into the most effective strategies to overcome these barriers to learning. The main barriers faced by our disadvantaged students are:
Our strategy is a three-tiered approach, as recommended by EEF, June 2019.
This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.
Challenge number | Detail of challenge |
Tier 1 – high quality teaching and learning. |
Tier 2 – targeted interventions. |
Tier 3 – wider strategies. |
Intended outcomes
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.
Intended outcome | Success criteria | |
Tier 1 | Pupils have a greater awareness of their own learning needs and are able to evaluate their own methods of working to establish what is most effective for them. |
Whole school CPD delivered to ensure a consistent, whole school approach. Metacognitive strategies embedded into subject curriculum design. Data collection in comparison to baseline data (form pupil and staff surveys) will show a greater understanding of what metacognition is and how specific strategies can be used effectively to support learning. |
Disadvantaged gap in English and maths at GCSE to be narrowed in line with national average. |
Evaluation of AP1, 2 and 3 data in years 10 and 11 to be tracked to identify target groups most in need of intervention. Mastery maths to be embedded into KS3 curriculum to ensure further narrowing of disadvantaged gap in future years. |
Students’ end-of-KS3 data is more in line with expectations in order to adequately prepare pupil for GCSE study. |
Evaluation of AP1, 2 and 3 data across KS3 to be tracked to identify target groups most in need of intervention. Mastery maths to be embedded into KS3 curriculum to ensure greater strength of knowledge at the end of KS3. |
Intended outcome | Success criteria | |
Tier 2 | Reading levels of students in KS3 to allow greater access to the curriculum. |
Reading intervention process refined through CPD for staff to equip pupils with greater levels of reading fluency. Use of diagnostic tests to identify target groups for intervention. |
Student referrals to LSC reduced and fewer repeat referrals. |
SL to review SOW and learning materials available in IRB to ensure they are current and sufficient to avoid pupils falling behind in their work. Review of self-regulation and wellbeing activities embedded into the structure of the LSC day to ensure a positive return to timetabled lessons. |
Greater support to improve outcomes for learners with SEND needs. | As a consequence of targeted and personalised interventions, SEND pupils make greater progress to bring them more line with their age group peers. |
Intended outcome | Success criteria | |
Tier 3 | Attendance figures to continue to be greater than national average and number of persistent absentees to be reduced. | Attendance data to continue to exceed the national average data in particular for those pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium. |
Access to cultural capital through extended school curriculum to be extended. |
Refining of activities week programme to widen the offer of cultural capital opportunities across the curriculum. Pupil premium pupils’ use of extracurricular clubs to be tracked throughout the year to monitor access and encourage greater participation. Ensure access to onsite and offsite activities through school trips and visitors to school for all year groups. |
Activity in this academic year
This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding this academic year to address the challenges listed above.
Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)
Budgeted cost: £76,861
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Developing high quality teaching, assessment and a broad and balanced, knowledge based curriculum that responds to the needs of pupils. |
Tier 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |
Professional development to support the implementation of evidence-based approaches. |
Tier 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |
Mentoring and coaching for teachers. |
Tier 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |
Recruitment and retention of teaching staff. |
Tier 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |
Technology and other resources to support high quality teaching and learning. |
Tier 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |
Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support, structured interventions)
Budgeted cost: £180,811.20
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
One-to-one, small group or peer academic tuition, including through the National Tutoring Programme. |
Small group tuition | Toolkit Strand | Education Endowment Foundation | EEF |
Tier 2.1, 2.2 |
Targeted interventions to support language development, literacy and numeracy. |
One-to-one tuition | EEF (educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk)
Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools
Tier 2.1, 2.2 |
Targeted interventions and resources to meet the specific needs of disadvantaged pupils with SEND. |
Tier 2.1, 2.2 |
Teaching assistant deployment and interventions. |
Tier 2.3 |
Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)
Budgeted cost: £380,326.27
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Supporting pupils’ social, emotional, and behavioural needs. |
Tier 3.1, 3.2 |
Supporting attendance. |
Tier 3.3 |
Extracurricular activities, including sports, outdoor activities, and arts and culture. |
Tier 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 |
Extended school time, including summer schools. |
Tier 3.1, 3.2 |
Breakfast clubs and meal provision. |
Tier 3.1, 3.3 |
Communicating with, and supporting, parents. |
Tier 3.1, 3.3 |
Total budgeted cost: £637,998.34
Part B: Review of the previous academic year
Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils
Progress data: For 2023, disadvantaged pupils achieving grades 9-4 in both English and maths was 48.3% compared with 76.9% for non-disadvantaged and the 9-5 figures for the same was 20.7% compared with 53.3%. This has focussed our tuition intervention this academic year to begin with students struggling to achieve grade 4 in English or maths at the end of year 10. This is supported by additional hours timetabled into core subjects to allow greater support and targeted intervention in our KS4 m band classes. Destination data reported that 98 disadvantaged pupils went on to post-16 colleges, 29 of these enrolled to Harton Academy sixth form college. 4 disadvantaged pupils went onto apprenticeship schemes or armed forces. CPD provision: Following our CPD programme last academic year, which focussed on themed working groups, we have highlighted a need for more structured retrieval practice embedded consistently across the curriculum as well as a focus on the wider metacognitive skills required for our students to effectively self-regulate their own learning. An evaluation of this has focussed our whole-school teaching and learning approach, for the next three years, on metacognition and self-regulation, which is evidenced-based and supported by EEF guidance and Thinking Matters. NTP provision: last year we offered 273, 15 hour tuition packages to KS4 pupils, totalling 4577 hours of tuition across our KS4 cohort. Attendance to these was 79.9% however, while attendance and uptake from our e band PP students was in line with this, m band PP students was much lower with some refusing the places altogether. This indicates that a more targeted approach to selection and delivery is needed this year to encourage greater participation in NTP from this group. 12 year 7 pupils were targeted for reading tuition delivered by our SSA team and delivered during 30-minute lunchtime sessions. The timing of the intervention meant that attendance was sporadic by these students and an overall impact was difficult to measure. This has been re-evaluated for this year with Catch-up Literacy intervention taking the place of this going forward. SLT drop-ins and learning walks: Of 126 SLT drop-ins to lessons last year, 70% proved to show outstanding practice indicating a wealth of high quality teaching across the school. As part of our CPD offer, staff were required to partake in learning walks which were met with positivity. Going forward, this will form part of our metacognition strategy to encourage a greater culture of coaching and sharing of good practice. Literacy interventions: Reading interventions were put in place for learners identified as being in the bottom 20% of readers according to their end of KS2 SATs results and in-house diagnostic testing on entry to KS3. These interventions were during the school day, taking place during timetabled tutorial time so as to minimise impact on taught lessons. Phonics interventions took place weekly for learners who were identified as having gaps in their phonetic knowledge and, as a result, the gaps in phonic knowledge were closed and learners felt more confident when reading as they were able to decode and blend unfamiliar words. Pupils were also supported with dedicated library time for each year group during lunch times and for homework clubs, thus ensuring all pupils had the opportunity to visit during lunch and after school, as well as their timetabled slots during the school day. An evaluation of targeted reading interventions showed a need for greater standardisation in delivery as well as a more robust method of assessment. This year we have invested in the EEF funded intervention, Catch up Literacy, to provide more current CPD and resources to support. Extra-curricular and cultural capital: In order to support all pupils’ access to clubs and societies, and the development of cultural capital, pupils have been offered a wide ranging suite of activities which they may select to best support their individual needs and/or interests. Our pastoral and wellbeing teams have worked together to signpost some of our most vulnerable pupils to clubs that will best support their needs, for example, young carers and Bright Futures. The attendance at these clubs has been tracked and monitored using our ClassCharts system. Over the last academic year pupil premium students accessing clubs has ranged between 13% and 35% indicating an average attendance of below our PP percentage overall. Overall, PP pupils showed greater attendance in sports and creative clubs, rather than music and STEM clubs where average attendance by PP pupils was around 16%. An increasing variety of extra-curricular clubs continues to be advertised and this has been heavily linked to our whole school Classcharts awards system to encourage greater uptake. This extra-curricular offer is supported by our investment in Activities Week which offers students in all year groups access to a variety of activities and experiences ranging from day trips, in-school events and visits to further/higher education institutions. This is further supported by our Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme in KS4. Pupil wellbeing: Our assessments and observations indicated that pupil behaviour, wellbeing and mental health have been significantly impacted over the past three years, following the covid-19 pandemic. Our assessment of this has led to the appointment of two wellbeing counsellors, offering a full time wellbeing provision in house. Last year the service was accessed by 199 users, 89 of these being in receipt of PP. Data reported form the provision indicates an increase in anxiety related issues, particularly in KS4. This is highlighted by the increased use of the service by year 11 pupils who made up 54 of the total users last year. Highlighting these students early and offering a mentoring scheme to the most vulnerable at this stage is key to supporting these pupils at such a significant point in their academic career. Attendance: Implementation of a First-day call system, ‘Iris reach’ which rings the appropriate contact 3 times and the followed up by a call by the attendance officer has proven effective over the last year, in addition to more frequent home visits and welfare checks for non-attending students due to increased capacity within the team. New texting systems for attendance alerts and meetings have also increased parental engagement, as has informing parents on a Half-termly basis of their child’s attendance and highlighting attendance procedures. Capacity has been improved in order to speak to each student whose % of attendance decreases in order to target early intervention and we have also increased parental engagement meetings with students who are struggling with attendance barriers. Weekly attendance figures are reported to each form tutor encouraging ownership of student’s attendance and this has been enhanced by promoting attendance and punctuality throughout the school via attendance boards, TV messaging, posters and form competitions. New attendance support plans have been implemented to personalise support for each student suffering attendance barriers. Our late detention system has been modified and improved to tackle and improve punctuality. The specific impact of attendance changes are highlighted below: – Whole-school attendance is extremely positive: 2021/22 – 92.7%; 2022/23 – 92.69% Currently (October 2023) – 94.69% – Persistent absentees have significantly reduced: 2021/22 – 394; 2022/23 – 328; 2023/24 – 214 at present
Externally provided programmes
Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you used your pupil premium (or recovery premium) to fund in the previous academic year.
Programme | Provider |
Scholars Programme | Brilliant Club |