Fundamental British Values coverage at Harton

British Values at Harton Academy

South Tyneside Council have provided a leaflet with information on keeping children and young people safe against radicalisation and extremism. You can download a copy here : Radicalisation and Extremism leaflet.

Key Stage 3

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9


(respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process)


  • Study of Greek democracy


  • Year Council and School Council ensure that pupils within school have a voice. Members are voted for by the pupils
  • Year group assemblies covering the topic of democracy.


  • Local democracy What does the local council do and how can we take part in the democratic process locally


  • King John and the Magna Carta
  • Charles I the English Civil War
  • Development of rights and the vote in Britain (mainly women’s rights and how they achieved the vote)


  • Year Council and School Council ensure that pupils within school have a voice. Members are voted for by the pupils.
  • Year group assemblies covering the topic of democracy.


  • The political system in the UK including voting and the role of Parliament. Different types of government and the role of MP’s


  • Differences between a democracy and a dictatorship
  • Study of Hitler’s Germany


  • What is important to people in Britain today? (Immigration, violence and ageing population)


  • Year Council and School Council ensure that pupils within school have a voice. Members are voted for by the pupils.
  • Year group assemblies covering the topic of democracy, the importance of voting and the issue of extremism.



  • Rights and Responsibilities including  the UN Declaration of Human Rights

Rule of law

(respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England)



  • Study of Crime and punishment through time, focusing on how and why the criminal law was different to today.



  • Laws of the game are implemented throughout all activities. Rules are used to ensure safety of the players and to ensure fairness.


  • Personal responsibility assemblies, exploring the importance of, and reasons why, we have rules in school and society
  • Police assembly, focussed on internet safety.
  • Fire Brigade assembly, focused on Guy Fawkes


  • Various issues throughout the course looking at laws related to bullying, religious freedom, voting and participation in the democratic process.


  • Laws of the game are implemented throughout all activities. Rules are used to ensure safety of the players and to ensure fairness.


  • Personal responsibility assembly, exploring the importance of, and reasons why, we have rules in school and society
  • Police assembly focussed on internet safety.
  • Fire Brigade assembly, focused on Guy Fawkes


  • Drugs education including looking at the law on drug e.g classifications and to enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England
  • Justice what does this mean to people both religious and non-religious and how can justice be shown and practiced in society.
  • Britain as a Multi- cultural country and the laws which protect the freedoms of all.


  • Differences between a democracy and a dictatorship
  • Study of Hitler’s Germany


  • Laws of the game are implemented throughout all activities. Rules are used to ensure safety of the players and to ensure fairness.


  • Police assembly, focussed on anti-social behaviour
  • Personal responsibility assembly, exploring the importance of, and reasons why, we have rules in school and society
  • Fire Brigade assembly, focused on Guy Fawkes


  • Crime and Punishment looking at different types of crimes and the punishments available, the role of the police, courts, prison service as part of the justice system in the country. Debate on Capital Punishment and talks from the local magistrates to explain their role within the justice system. To enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.

Opportunity for all



  • Study of Unit 2 (“The Identity Kit”) Pupils study extracts from texts what consider the question, “Who am I?” Examples of relevant texts include “If…” by Rudyard Kipling, Wonder by R.J. Palacio, “Differences” by Sophie Hannah and especially “The British” by Benjamin Zephaniah.


  • Population unit (Immigration, UK today, ageing population)


  • Real Game – pupils look at the opportunities available to them.
  • SEAL to enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence


  • Slavery
  • Civil Rights in America
  • Apartheid in South Africa.  Not done.
  • Votes for women


  • Britain as a Multi-Cultural society offering opportunities to all and to encourage respect for other people.


  • Study of anti-Semitism in Germany and the Holocaust.


  • What is important to people in Britain today? (Immigration, violence and ageing population)


  • Rights and Responsibilities and how important they are in giving opportunities for all.
  • War – Is it ever right to fight? Should people have the opportunity to refuse to fight?
  • Wealth and Poverty looking at the problems caused by poverty and what can be done to help people and to encourage respect for other people.

Individual liberty

(support and respect for the liberties of all within the law)


  • Slavery in Medieval England
  • Holocaust assembly delivered by sixth form students and staff who had returned from a visit to Auschwitz.



  • Assemblies about the role of the individual in school


  • The environment and animal rights How free are we to act as we want (The trial of the animal rights activist)
  • Anti-bullying lessons to encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.


  • Slavery (pupils learn about those fighting for the liberty of people subject to discrimination and oppression such as Olaudah Equiano and William Wilberforce.)
  • Holocaust assembly delivered by sixth form students and staff who had returned from a visit to Auschwitz


  • Assemblies about the role of the individual in school


  • The role of government and the rights of the individual within society including the right to protest, free speech and other fundamental freedoms protected by the laws of the country.


  • Life in Hitler’s Germany
  • Holocaust assembly delivered by sixth form students who had returned from a visit to Auschwitz.
  • School visit to Dachau Concentration Camp and Nuremberg


  • Assemblies about the role of the individual in school


  • Rights and Responsibilities encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society to support respect for the liberties of all within the law.
  • Wealth and Poverty to encourage respect for other people and to look at individual liberty to choose how to respond to the problems of those around them

Mutual respect and tolerance


  • How were the Jews treated in Medieval Times (Black Death)


  • Students study Christianity, Islam and Buddhism learning about each religion and the importance of respect and tolerance for the beliefs and practices of others.
  • The environment and animal rights looking at individual responsibility and respect for others and the world we live in.
  • Anti-Bullying lessons linked to South Tyneside’s and the national anti-bullying campaign to raise awareness and promote respect and tolerance.


  • Scheme of work based on other cultures. E.g. Native American culture.


  • SST’s anti-bullying campaign- awareness raised through year assemblies. Tutors also given material to focus on each day during anti-bullying week.


  • Cultural cushions module includes a lesson on “What is culture?” which focuses on the different cultures in Hebburn and Jarrow.


  • Tolerance in Tudor times. Pupils study the actions of Henry VIII, Mary I and Elizabeth I and focus on their treatment of other religious groups.
  • Gunpowder Plot


  • Multi-Cultural Britain to promote further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation for and respect for their own and other cultures.
  • Looking at why some people believe in God and some do not and the different views people have based on religious ideas and scientific views promoting respect, tolerance and understanding.


  • History of terrorism (Boudicca, Elizabeth I, Northern Ireland, 9/11)
  • Study of anti-Semitism in Germany and the Holocaust.



  • SST’s anti-bullying campaign- awareness raised through year assemblies. Tutors also given material to focus on each day during anti-bullying week.


  • War and Peace, Wealth and Poverty, Rights and Responsibility the need to show respect, understanding and tolerance of the views of individuals.
  • Being Human looking at what it means to be human and the need to respect and be tolerant of individuals and the differences between people.

Key Stage 4

Year 10 Year 11



  • Year Council and School Council ensure that pupils within school have a voice. Members are voted for by the pupils.
  • Year group assemblies covering the topic of democracy, the importance of voting and the issue of extremism.


  • Year Council and School Council ensure that pupils within school have a voice. Members are voted for by the pupils.
  • Year group assemblies covering the topic of democracy, the importance of voting and the issue of extremism.


  • The population stability offered by democratic countries


  • Comparison of different political systems including Facism, Communism and Democracy.


Rule of Law


  • Personal responsibility assemblies, exploring the importance of, and reasons why, we have rules in school and society
  • Police assembly, focussed on internet safety.
  • Fire Brigade assembly


  • Personal responsibility assemblies, exploring the importance of, and reasons why, we have rules in school and society
  • Police assembly, focussed on internet safety.
  • Fire Brigade assembly

Opportunity for all


  • Employment opportunities in Tourism

Individual liberty


  • Assemblies about the role of the individual in school


  • Assemblies about the role of the individual in school

Mutual respect and tolerance


  • SST’s anti-bullying campaign- awareness raised through year assemblies.


  • SST’s anti-bullying campaign- awareness raised through year assemblies.


  • The impact of mass immigration to the UK and Europe.


  • The Holocaust

