Charging Policy

Charging Policy

The traditional method of charging schools within a Multi Academy Trust are by Top Slicing, however, we believe that every school is different and will need differing levels of support.

The top-slice percentage can be based on various factors, including total income, total grant income, pupil numbers and many other bases used. Typically top-slicing percentages will be between 2-6% of GAG funding. On some occasions, pooling of the General Annual Grant may be necessary. All financial proposals will be negotiated based upon the needs of the school. As needs and input change, the financial agreement will be renegotiated.

Academies that join the Trust agree to:

  • Work within the values of the Illuminare Multi Academy Trust
  • The joining Academy Head Teacher will become part of the MAT wider leadership team
  • Work with the Trust’s central services
  • Follow the Trust’s Financial Management policies and procedures

Be part of the Trusts Governance services
