ICT and Computer Science
The ICT and Computer Science department is situated in the refurbished building, with 6 specialist ICT suites. All of these feature either an Interactive smart board or a 4k screen display, pupils have access to the use of both laptops and desktops. All machines in the department have a range of software installed including Scratch, Game maker, App Inventor, Python, Adobe Design Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office and the Serif suite of programs. All classrooms feature a colour laser printer and teachers have the use of classroom management software to aid learning. Pupils have access to scanners and digital video cameras as well as the schools Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) both in school and at home. In addition there is a dedicated ICT suite in the sixth form area for year 12 and 13 lessons to take place.
Key Stage 3
Year 7 (3 hours a fortnight) | Year 8 (3 hours a fortnight) | Year 9 (3 hours a fortnight) |
Using computers safely effectively and responsibly An introduction to the school networking including files and folder and using email. Carrying out internet searching and discussing security issues including cyberbullying. Unit 1 Under the hood of a computer
Unit 2 Programming basics with Flowol Unit 3 Micro:Bits and Scratch |
Introduction and E-Safety Online digital wellbeing and what tools can be used to manage time spent online. Unit 5 Computer Hardware and Networking – Unit 6 Graphics Unit 7 Small Basic Unit 8 App Development and animation Understanding the key features of apps and animations along with planning and developing one of each
Introduction and E-Safety Online safety including cyberbullying, data theft and sexting. This unit also covers health and safety at the computer. Unit 9 Computational Thinking and Python Programming Python programing basics such as variables, inputs and outputs, for and while loops, IF statements and the use of the random function Unit 10 Festival Project Unit 11 Database Basics
Unit 12 Database Basics |
Key Stage 4
GCSE Computer Science – OCR
Component 1 Computer systems 50% 1.5 hour exam
- Systems Architecture
- Memory
- Storage
- Data Representation
- Wired and wireless networks
- Network topologies, protocols and layers
- System security
- System software
- Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns
Component 2 50% 1.5 hour exam
- Algorithms
- Programming techniques
- Producing robust programs
- Computational logic
- Translators and facilities of languages
Cambridge Nationals Creative iMedia – OCR
R081 Pre Production Skills 25% 1 hour 15 minutes exam
- Understand the purpose and content of pre-production
- Be able to plan pre-production
- Be able to produce pre-production documents
- Be able to review pre-production documents
R082 Creating a digital graphic 25% Coursework
- Understand the purpose and properties of digital graphics
- Be able to plan the creation of a digital graphic
- Be able to create a digital graphic
- Be able to review a digital graphic
R085 Creating a multipage website 25% Coursework
- Understand the properties and features of multipage websites
- Be able to plan a multipage website
- Be able to create multipage websites using multimedia components
- Be able to review a multipage website
R087 Creating an interactive multimedia product 25% Coursework
- Understand the uses and properties of interactive multimedia products
- Be able to plan interactive multimedia products
- Be able to create interactive multimedia products
- Be able to review interactive multimedia products
Unit 1 ICT in Society 40% 1 hour 20 mins
- Explore the wide range of uses of hardware, application and specialist software in society
- Investigate how information technology is used in a range of contexts, including business and organisations, education and homes.
Unit 2 ICT in Context 60% Controlled assessment project work
- Gain a working knowledge of databases, spreadsheets, automated documents and images
- Learn to apply your knowledge and understanding to solve problems in vocational settings.
Key Stage 5
Course Content
- Fundamentals of programming
- Fundamentals of data structures
- Fundamentals of algorithms
- Theory of computation
- Fundamentals of data representation
- Fundamentals of computer systems
- Fundamentals of computer organisation and architecture
- Consequences of uses of computing
- Fundamentals of communication and networking
- Fundamentals of databases
- Big Data
- Fundamentals of functional programming
- Systematic approach to problem solving
Paper 1
This paper tests a student’s ability to program, as well as their theoretical knowledge of computer science
On-screen exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
40% of A-level
Students answer a series of short questions and write/adapt/extend programs in an electronic answer document provided by AQA.
The exam board will provide preliminary material, a skeleton program (available in each of the programming languages) and, where appropriate, test data, for use in the exam
Paper 2
Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
40% of A-level
Compulsory short-answer and extended-answer questions.
Non-exam assessment
The non-exam assessment assesses student’s ability to use the knowledge and skills gained through the course to solve or investigate a practical problem.
Students will be expected to follow a systematic approach to problem solving.
75 marks
20% of A-level